We provide competency-based behavioral interviewing training for interview teams including hiring managers, recruiters, and interviewers.


Improve Your ROI 56%

Corporations are facing the expensive reality of high turnover among women. How can an employer improve return on investment in woman-power?

According to a study by a national women's organization, women who work for "accommodating employers" are 56% more likely to return to work after having babies.

Felice N. Schwartz, founder and president of Catalyst and the originator of the "mommy track" theory, maintains that turnover among women is a problem that needs to be addressed in the workplace (Fortune, 5/18/92). Many women struggle with child care issues that may dictate their allegiance to a company. By building family concerns into worker benefits, accommodating companies are starting to decrease female turnover.

Preferred employers are on the cutting edge of pro-active diversity management, as opposed to "getting by" on a minimum commitment to diversity. The focus in a preferred company is on relationships and career development of all employees. By using each employee effectively and integrating positions, preferred employers retain the best employees. As a long-term benefit, word will get around about the successful policies of these companies, and recruiting will flourish.

Cutting-edge employers are making family issues a priority. According to Schwartz, "Working women have proven their smart [but] until babies have a place on the business agenda, we will all continue to fail." In today's world of low interest rates, how many investments offer a potential 56% return?

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Interviewer's Quick Tips

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