We provide competency-based behavioral interviewing training for interview teams including hiring managers, recruiters, and interviewers.


Interviewing - For Better or Worse

In a recent seminar for a company's college recruiters, our client introduced our Effective Interviewing!® training by quoting research from the College Placement Council on student attitudes about interviewing.

Eighty-six percent of the students said first impressions made by company representatives played a major role in their selection of a position. Further, 90% said that they ruled out a company because of a poor impression made by one of its recruiters.

It is obvious from this research that bad interviewer behavior can be damaging to your recruiting program. In today's age of quality customer service, every contact with a prospect is critical, including those you want to recruit as employees.

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Manager Providing Interviewer Quick Tips

Interviewer's Quick Tips

Here are some quick tips from our interview training seminar to help you conduct a successful interview. We recommend that you complete the first three steps before the interview.

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Interviewer Making Mistakes

Can You Find the Interviewer's Ten Mistakes?

Most of us have experienced the interview from the candidate's perspective. But how often do we have an opportunity to evaluate the interviewer?

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