We provide competency-based behavioral interviewing training for interview teams including hiring managers, recruiters, and interviewers.


Hire to Your Weaknesses

We recently spoke at a national convention where attendees in our interviewing skills workshop had the choice of several other sessions at the same time. We asked one of the early arrivals why he decided to come to our session. He said, "I once had a boss who advised me to hire to my weaknesses, meaning hire those who have strengths I don't have. I thought that was good advice and now I'm in a position to hire others and I want some techniques on how to do more than hire my mirror image."

Trainers love participants with that attitude because they already know that interviewing is something you do for the rest of your career.

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Manager Providing Interviewer Quick Tips

Interviewer's Quick Tips

Here are some quick tips from our interview training seminar to help you conduct a successful interview. We recommend that you complete the first three steps before the interview.

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Interviewer Making Mistakes

Can You Find the Interviewer's Ten Mistakes?

Most of us have experienced the interview from the candidate's perspective. But how often do we have an opportunity to evaluate the interviewer?

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